Wi-Fi Hotspot Data for Western Japan added to Free Wi-Fi Spot Locator within NAVITIME for Japan Travel App
The following Wi-Fi services can now be searched:
FREE Wi-Fi" (Provided by JR West; 24 stations within the
Hokuriku to Kansai area)
l "Osaka
Free Wi-Fi" (Provided by OGTB; train stations and locations within Osaka)
l "Osaka
Free Wi-Fi Lite" (Provided by OGTB; train stations and locations within Osaka)
* Users will need to acquire a guest code before hand for "JR-WEST FREE Wi-Fi"
NAVITIME for Japan Travel download:
l Google
l App
Store URL:https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/navitime-for-japan-travel/id686373726?mt=8
More information about the "NAVITIME for
Japan Travel" app:
l http://www.navitime.co.jp/pcstorage/html/japan_travel/english/