Message from the CEO

Supporting Worldwide Industry with Our Route Search Engine Technologies
Japan's First Total Navigation: Our Trailblazing Core Technology
NAVITIME JAPAN was ahead of the curve in successfully creating route search algorithms freely combining various travel methods--everything from walking to trains, cars, busses, and airplanes. This original Total Navigation has since become our world-class core technology.
Now, all you need is a computer or cellphone and everything you need to know is just the click of a button away: access maps and timetables on demand and instantly search for an optimal, personalized route and journey duration time. We have continued to hone our route search engine technologies and have created a diverse line-up of services along with the ever-changing needs of society. These technologies and services are evolving at an unrivaled pace.
Accurate Navigation: The Key to Freeing Up Valuable Time in Our Lives
Time is a world-standard unit calculated by humans. But that's not where the story ends. We are living in another flow of time--the limited time allocated to our own individual lifetimes.
When we go somewhere that we have never been before, we have to search for various pieces of information by ourselves. For example, we seek our intended destinations on maps, check transit routes, and look for the most convenient exit when we arrive at the station. A NAVITIME JAPAN study estimated that it takes around 24 to 25 minutes a day in total to carry out these tasks. That adds up to around one year in the course of a lifetime.
NAVITIME JAPAN is trying to eliminate this time wasted looking up routes as much as possible and enable people to travel accurately with Total Navigation. By doing this, we aim to create a new world-standard time that creates valuable time in our limited lives: NAVITIME.
Aiming to Become the World's De Facto Standard
There are currently more than 5 billion cellphone subscriptions around the world, which is over half of the number of the 7 billion people in the world. NAVITIME JAPAN offers services both at home in Japan and overseas. Our future vision is to become the de facto standard for navigation engines--in a world where NAVITIME is used not only on cellphones, but in all kinds of devices with communications modules installed, such as watches, glasses, cars, refrigerators, and robots. This will be a world where anyone can travel with peace of mind regardless of the situation. By fulfilling this vision, we hope to contribute to society in terms of both convenience and safety as well as drive the creation of new, next-generation industry.